I'm Just Saying

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Is Blogging Good For Everyone?

More and more companies are being challenged to use social media as a way to communicate to their publics, but is social media good for every company? Some companies fear about hurting the image of their company and question how they will be able to handle bad press.

After reading this great blog: 20 Reasons a Business Should NOT Blog
, I quickly learned that the correct answer to my question is YES, every company should be blogging.

Throughout my college career, blogging has managed to make its way into the discussion of every journalism class I have taken, as well as some others. People are sharing ideas and raising discussion about some great issues. This question of "should I be blogging" has been brought up in the last two companies I have worked for and both companies decided it was a good idea.

With that said, before a company commits to running a blog they need to do three things:
1) Designate a person to be responsible for the posts and handle any negative press.
2) Write a code of ethics for the blog.
3) Develop a plan on how to deal with negative press.

Once those three things are taking care of a company is ready to run a blog. From there the company can decide on the topic and voice of the blog.

Social media has changed the way businesses communicate to their publics. For me personally, if a company is not involved in some form of social media, it makes me question the integrity of their business.


  • Thank you for linking to my post. I love the phrase "I'm just sayin'" Any idea where it originated?

    By Blogger steven edward streight, At October 29, 2007 at 1:05 PM  

  • I agree that if it is possible, every company should have a blog. This provides active publics with a medium to connect with corporate thoughts, goals and concerns. If nothing else, a blog instills a sense of value with the consumer; the company cares about its publics, and therefore it provides a home for online feedback.

    By Blogger The O'Leary Factor, At November 2, 2007 at 1:17 AM  

  • Steven and Ryan,

    Thank you for your comments. Steven, I have to be honest, I just came up with the phrase, although I am sure it has been used before.

    By Blogger David Schott, At November 4, 2007 at 3:45 PM  

  • How about 20 Reasons a PERSON Should Not Blog? I know there are probably more blogs than people in the world right now, but the more I read the gladder I am I have the opportunity to hear what everyone else has to say. Keep up the good work!

    Btw, we're template twins until I can figure out how to create a more beautiful header for my own blog: prtifact.blogspot.com.

    By Blogger R, At November 9, 2007 at 7:52 AM  

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