I'm Just Saying

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Tom Tancredo for President!

Well, you can't say he's not trying. Tom Tancredo recently paid for an ad that can be ranked as one of the best worst political ads. Once I figure out how to upload a YouTube video I will include it in the post, but for now you can find it here.

Here is the thing about this ad, it can mean one of two things. He is either desperate about boosting his ratings in the presidential race, or it is another way of marketing his new book, In Mortal Danger: The Battle for America's Border and Security.

One could always argue that it's both, but I think Tancredo wanted attention, and apparently it worked. For the people who like Tancredo, this ad is great and it goes along with his theme of protecting the American borders. For those who are just learning who Tancredo his, the ad is being passed around the blogging community and more and more people are learning his name.
Either way you look at it, Tancredo is gaining some attention, which from the looks of his ratings he desperately needed.


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